Saturday, June 30, 2007

I owe Bev an apology

I came to find out about the impending release of MP Magazine because I realized I had misspelled Bev's name in the story on Blogging. I frantically emailed Ed, the publisher, to see if there was time to change her last name from "Caba" (which is what I thought her last name was after seeing her web address) to "Cabanatan" (her actual last name. ) Alas, the magazine had already been printed and as I found out, is to be released next week. Bev was so gracious when I mentioned the error to her at the Bloggers Meet-up, but it's a big goof nevertheless. I'm so sorry.

I saw the premier issue of MP last night, and it looks terrific. I followed Bev's gracious example when I noticed that my name, too, had been misspelled throughout the entire issue. The Forces of the Universe seem to have a sense of humor.


Harry Blalock said...

Hi David, I've been tagged, so I'm passing it along to you. To find out more about it, check my 7-3-07 blog for details.

Bruce A. Bateman said...

I've linked to your blog, David, on the link list over at Saipanuvian Speaks. Thanks for linking to that blog when you get the time.

Did you get the message I sent about possible assistance in the rehab project?


Bev said...

Hi Dr. Khorram! You're so funny to blog about this! It isn't a big deal! I did pick up the premiere copy of MP magazine today! Great job on the blogging article=)