Friday, May 18, 2007

Worm in the Eye

Sometimes a little redness is just a little redness, and sometimes it's a worm.

Click on the photo for an enlarged view. (You know you want to).

DISCLAIMER: Gross content. Viewer discretion advised.

(Photo courtesy of Simon Robarts.)


Angelo Villagomez said...

I hate when that happens!

Bon said...

That's so sick!

Marianas Eye said...

Yeah, but you did click on the photo, right? Strange creatures, we human beings.

Bree Reynolds said...

that's cool. what kind of worm? and where? i helped remove a botfly larvae from someone once. parasites facinate me. my first conversation with doug was about parasites. i gave him the heebiegeebies, but he still fell in love (even though i make him squirm) :)

Anonymous said...

Just reviewed your blog today and the "worm in the eye" image just totally made me sick.........for a person like myself who is "wormaphobic"....
I think i will be on leave for the next 3 days.